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headshot of Molly Rawn, a caucasian woman with blonde hair




Molly Rawn is one of Fayetteville's biggest cheerleaders.


Meet Molly

Molly's vision for a future-ready Fayetteville


One of the cornerstones of Molly's campaign is ensuring that every resident has access to the opportunities and services they need to thrive. 


Molly is dedicated to creating partnerships between government, local businesses, the University of Arkansas, regional entities, and community organizations.


Molly is committed to ensuring that Fayetteville remains at the forefront of smart infrastructure growth, technological advancements, and sustainable practices.


From her own experiences, Molly knows that good and strong leadership involves mentoring and developing leaders to keep momentum going.



Campaign Supporters

Jennifer Quezada

Jennifer Rokeby-Mayeux

Jim Vetter

John Chitwood

Joseph Porter

Joe Randel

Julie Pennington

Katie Terrell

Kristina Greene

Kyle Smith

Lara Cato

Laura Weiderhaft

Leanne Harris

Linda Corrigan

Lisa Corrigan

Lora & Dustin Murphy

Lori Bremer

Louise Hancox

Lynette & Jim Terrell

Madeline Mitchell

Marti Sharkey

Marlo and David Priest

Milah & Brannon Pack

Miguel Salcedo

Misty & Ryan Wilde

Molly & Brady Carman

Cjay Crespo

Colleen & Erik Smith

Cynthia Post Hunt & Elliot Hunt

Danah Vetter

David Couch

David Criswell

David Scott Hill

Debbie & Bobby Rawn

Dina Wood

Diane Manering

Elexa Fischer & Austin Lucas

Elvis Moya & Paul Robertson

Erica & Brian Walter

Evan & Lorna McDonald

Gary & Jill Gunderman

Gina Smith

Gail Tolleson

Garrit Keeley

Gracie and Mike Ziegler

Hannah Withers & Ben Gitchel

Heather & Jeff Dehnhardt

Holden McHaney

Jay Childers

Jeannie Bates

Jeff & Heather Dehnhardt

Jennifer Neill

Nate Bell

Nana & David Winters

Neal Vines

Nicole Mozzoni

Paul Brown

Peter Lane & Barb Putman

Ragan Hensley

Ralph Schaffner

Richard Gathwright

Rolf & Ceri Wilkin

Ryan Neville-Shepard

Ryan Calabretta-Sajder

Samuel Dean

Sandy Martin

Sarah Kueter

Sarah Tucker

Seb Cancino

Stacy Hurst

Steve & Emily Kueter

Teresa & John Jordan

Todd Martin

Todd Simmons

Trisha & Boyd Logan

Walker & Sarah Mitchell

Wayne Bell

Wes Craiglow

Adam & Megan Parmer

Alli Quinlan

Allyson Malone

Amber & Jeff Jackson

Amy & Joe Stockton

Drs. Angie Maxwell & Sydney Burris

Anna Jacobs

Ashby Crowder

Austin Lucas

Bill Waite

Blake & Jordan Parker

Bo Counts

Brandy Lee & Miletus Callahan-Barile

Brendan Quirk

Brian & Day Crowne

Brittany & Brian Dickens

Brook Kaufman

Carl Collier

Cassi & Taylor Shanks

Cassidy Waide

Cassy Dominick & Matthew Petty

Charles Horner

Cheyenne Nance

Chris Wheat

Claire Kolberg

Christine Hartman

We Build Projects That Last



We Believe Every Client Is a Valuable Long-Term Partner